forDiabetes app Version History

1.22.2 (Android)

28 Feb 2023
- Improved performance on all android versions
- Fixed a connection issue with bluetooth devices
- UX/UI improvements
- Several other bug fixes and improvements


17 June 2022
- Improved Accu-Chek Guide glucometer support
- Fixed an issue with data export
- Several other bug fixes and improvements


31 May 2022
- Integration with Accu-Chek Guide glucometer using Bluetooth
- Improved file and chart export
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.20.5 (iOS)

18 Oct 2021
- Add support for In-App Purchase
- Added support for Czech language
- Upgraded privacy and security in Facebook login
- Added more options for exporting data in list or charts
- Added more progress periods of up to 1 year for glucose measurements
- UX/UI improvements
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.20.1 (Android)

22 Sept 2021
- Upgraded privacy and security in Facebook login
- Added more options for exporting data in list or charts
- Added more progress periods of up to 1 year for glucose measurements
- UX/UI improvements
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.19.4 (Android)

1.19.4 (Android)
- Added support for Czech language
- Fixed a problem with Google Fit activity data sync
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.19.2 (Android)

9 Apr 2021
- Better support for the latest version of Android
- Several other bug fixes and improvements


19 Oct 2020
- Integration with Accu-Chek Instant glucometer using Bluetooth
- Added instructions to connect forDiabetes with Amazon Alexa virtual assistant
- Improved the bolus calculator for faster data entry
- Several other bug fixes and improvements


1 Sept 2020
– Added a Bolus calculator
– Improved the performance of syncing CGM data through Apple Health
– Translation in several languages has been improved
– Several other bug fixes and improvements


9 July 2020
- Added support for Portuguese and Slovenian language
- Progress of glucose measurements is improved by combining all data into one graph with better UI
- Added translations to the Web application (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Slovenian)
- Several other bug fixes and improvements


11 Oct 2019
- Cloud sync time has been significantly improved
- Added support for connection with Healthcare Provider (available with Premium plan)
- Added progress pages for Blood pressure, Activities, Meals and Weight to the Web app (available with Premium plan)
- Four more charts have been added to the Web app (available with Premium plan)
- Fixed a problem with the Facebook login
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.14.0 – Beta test

2 Aug 2019
- Two daily glucose charts have been added to the Web application (available with Premium plan)
- Added the ability to download a detailed and comprehensive report (in PDF) about the blood glucose progress (available with Premium plan)
- Added support for the latest Android features (battery saver improvements, standby buckets etc)
- Improved description of Premium pricing and features
- Several other bug fixes and improvements
- Terms of Service have been updated

1.13.0 – Beta test

21 June 2019
- Added support for 7-day free trial, and for 3-month or 12-month Premium subscription plan
- Fixed a minor bug while editing a repeating reminder
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.12.0 – Beta test

10 May 2019
- Added support for 'other injectables' in medication
- The synchronization with the Bluetooth glucometers has been improved
- An existing reminder can now be changed or updated
- Added account verification for new users signing in with email
- The reminder ring tone has been changed
- Fixed a bug of downloading the same article twice, in the dashboard
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.11.0 – Beta test

5 Apr 2019
- Added support for repeated reminders
- A new section with articles, news and tips about diabetes has been added
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Fitbit related to activity tracking time
- Quick reminders from all data entry have been improved
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.10.1 – Beta test

6 Feb 2019
- Added support for Spanish language
- Fixed a bug in displaying the time in the list of reminders
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.10.0 – Beta test

31 Jan 2019
- Added support for 12h and 24h hour format
- Integration with ControlBios TD 4277 glucometer using Bluetooth
- Fixed a problem when deleting a glucose measurement
- The pairing and the synchronization with Contour Plus One and Beurer GL50 has been improved
- Added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
- Preferences setup (language, measurement units etc) was added at the beginning of the application
- Added the Greek version of the Web application
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.9.2 – Beta test

19 Dec 2018
- Fixed a problem in getting glucose values from some Contour glucometers
- The pairing and synchronization time with Contour Next One glucometers was significantly reduced
- Usage of a better and easy to use Date/Time picker
- Now the application supports different time-zones
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.9.0 – Beta test

30 Nov 2018
- Export and share reports
- Access to the Web application ( for advanced features (e.g. export filtered data in different formats: Excel, CSV & HTML)
- Add medications from blood glucose page
- Estimation of HbA1c based on blood glucose history
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.8.0 – Beta test

17 Oct 2018
- Login with Google account
- Integration with Beurer GL50 Evo glucometer using Bluetooth & NFC
- Added support for guest account
- Automated selection of the ‘most used’ insulin/pill for faster medication entry
- Copy an entry (meal, activity, insulin/pill, blood pressure, weight, HbA1c) by swiping an existing value from left to right for faster data entry
- Improvement of the consent form for the Terms of Service using a pop-up modal
- Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.7.0 – Beta test

18 Sept 2018
– Integration with GlucoMen areo glucometer using NFC
– Integration with GlucoMen areo 2K glucometer using NFC
– Integration with Contour Plus ONE glucometer using Bluetooth
– New periods were added to glucose measurements (Fasting, Other)
– Several other bug fixes and improvements

1.6.2 – Beta test

11 Sept 2018
– Added support for Contour Next One with mmol/L
– Translations have been improved in all languages
– Further improvements in performance

1.6.1 – Beta test

6 Sept 2018
– Added support for 3 new languages (German, French and Italian)
– Fixed a bug in the Fitbit integration, when signing in with a different Fitbit account
– Fixed a bug when deactivating Bluetooth with an active Contour Next ONE glucometer
– UI improvements of the weight progress chart
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.6.0 – Beta test

29 Aug 2018
– Medications are now categorized in pills or insulin
– A list of the most used medications is generated for easy and fast data entry
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.5.2 – Beta test

21 July 2018 - Hotfix of v1.5.1
– Data from glucose meters (Contour Next One) are now synced automatically
– ‘Settings’ have been changed to make them more comprehensible
– ‘Language selector’ has moved from ‘User Profile’ to ‘Settings’
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.5.1 – Beta test

20 July 2018
– Data from glucose meters (Contour Next One) are now synced automatically
– ‘Settings’ have been changed to make them more comprehensible
– ‘Language selector’ has moved from ‘User Profile’ to ‘Settings’
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.5.0 – Beta test

21 June 2018
– Fixed a bug with Contour Next One glucose meters synchronization, when large values are being transferred
– Syncs activity, weight and blood pressure data from thousands of apps via Health app
– Added a quick reminder button for each data set when adding new values
– Fixed typo in pairing description with glucose meters
– Several stability improvements

1.4.0 – Alpha test

7 June 2018
– Reminders with local notifications
– Fixed a Fitbit integration issue

1.3.0 – Alpha test

31 May 2018
– Improve paring for Contour glucose-meter
– Send feedback or request about bug reports, suggestions, questions, account deletion etc
– Save your preferred language to your profile
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.2.1 – Alpha test

17 May 2018
– Get automatically activity data from Fitbit devices and app
– Get automatically blood glucose data from Contour Next One glucose meter
– Improve all progress pages and data charts
– Show latest blood pressure measurements on dashboard
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.2.0 – Alpha test

16 May 2018
– Get activity data from Fitbit, get blood glucose data from Contour Next One
– Improve all progress pages and data charts, several bug fixes and improvements

1.1 – Alpha test

17 Apr 2018
– Login with Facebook
– Integrate with Google Fit for activities, track blood pressure, show the latest A1c in dashboard
– Several bug fixes and improvements

1.0.3 – Alpha test

5 Apr 2018
– Fix a sync problem with the duplicated items from the health app
– Update tests
– Minor improvement in partners UI

1.0.2 – Alpha test

4 Apr 2018
– Fix a bug with the day calculation
– Better usage of Android’s hardware back button
– Sync profile with API every time the app lunches
– Over 40 UX/UI improvements

1.0.0 – Alpha test

22 Mar 2018 – Initial release
– User profile
– Record of blood glucose level, activity, meals and medication
– Setup goals for: blood glucose range and daily activity
– Daily measurements in the dashboard
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